Brian Orlando

Microsoft | Simplifying complex workflows for developers and partners

Making complex experience simple for Microsoft partners.



Simplifying Complex Workflows for Developers and Partners


Product design contract role at Microsoft

My Role
Consultant, Design Researcher, UX Designer, Visual Designer

Oct 2017 - Present (16 months)

This work is under NDA, therefore I cannot share it publicly. Please contact me for private access to work that I can share.


The Microsoft partner ecosystem is one of the fastest growing sectors of the company. As a product designer, I work closely with program managers, content strategists, and engineers to research and design cutting-edge experiences to empower thousands of businesses across the world. All projects have involved transforming complex workflows into simple, engaging and elegant dashboard interfaces.


Process varies from project to project depending on the stakeholders involved. One of my favorite processes I’ve used thus far is a variation of Jeff Gothelf’s Lean UX. This method has helped teams I work with hone in on developing testable hypothesized solutions that target key problem(s) before committing engineering resources.



With the help of a talented cross-functional team of managers, engineers, and operations, I designed a new high touch point dashboard experience for Microsoft’s multi-billion dollar Partner ecosystem. This experience consists of rich data visualizations, complex business workflows and unique collaborative experiences to help drive business for Microsoft partners.

I also worked closely with my team to create multiple new components for our design system, many of which have been implemented and integrated across other dashboard experiences.

Apart from my impact designing dashboards, I worked closely with site managers, writers, and developers to design a system of pages for Microsoft developer and partner content to create a coherent strategy around content.

Finally and most importantly, I helped influence engineers and program managers to adopt the Lean UX design process to helped them quickly test design concepts. This has dramatically shifted their perspective of the product development process and design’s involvement in projects going forward.

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